flu symptoms

Influenza, commonly known as the flu, is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can affect people of all ages and can lead to a range of symptoms, varying from mild to severe. Here are the typical symptoms associated with the flu:

1. Fever:

  • A sudden high fever is a hallmark symptom of the flu. Fevers can range from mild to very high, often reaching temperatures above 100°F (37.8°C) and sometimes exceeding 102°F (38.9°C).

2. Chills and Sweating:

  • Flu is often accompanied by chills and shivering. You may feel very cold, even if your body temperature is elevated due to fever. Sweating can follow a fever as it breaks.

3. Cough:

  • A dry or productive cough is common with the flu. It can be persistent and may worsen over the course of the illness.

4. Sore Throat:

  • A scratchy or sore throat is another common symptom. It can be mild or severe and is often accompanied by coughing.

5. Runny or Stuffy Nose:

  • Nasal congestion, sneezing, and a runny nose are typical flu symptoms, although they are more commonly associated with colds.

6. Muscle and Body Aches:

  • Muscle aches and pains, often described as feeling like you’ve been “hit by a truck,” are common with the flu. Joint pain and body aches can also occur.

7. Fatigue:

  • Profound fatigue and weakness are often experienced with the flu. This can be severe and can last for several weeks after other symptoms have resolved.

8. Headache:

  • Many people with the flu experience headaches, which can range from mild to severe.

9. Gastrointestinal Symptoms:

  • While less common, some individuals with the flu may experience nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These symptoms are more often associated with certain strains of the virus.

10. Chest Discomfort: – Some individuals may experience chest discomfort, tightness, or shortness of breath. This can be a more serious symptom, especially in individuals with underlying respiratory conditions.

It’s important to note that the symptoms of the flu can vary from person to person, and not everyone will experience all of these symptoms. Additionally, the severity of the illness can vary widely, with some individuals having a mild form of the flu and others developing more severe complications. If you suspect you have the flu, seeking medical advice is advisable, especially if you are at high risk for complications.